
by 9:53 AM

Hi guys! Glad to have you guys back here! 
So I came across this page on Instagram and instantly fell in love with these cases! I've been trying to find a clear case with a design I'd like and I honestly have not been able to find any that are cheap enough! Every single case I've seen it's been so expensive and these are $20 and some are even only $15! If you guys know me I'm extremely picky with what I put out there and who I help promote, but these cases are really legit, like I'm actually in love.

I could get it even cheaper for you all with a 25% discount and free shipping!!

All you have to do is purchase one and add the promo code: KAY to get yours today!
DM me on any social media once you guys have purchased it and I will be doing a giveaway with some clothes and some favorite top pick of mine for the summer! 

I hope you guys enjoy these cases just as much as I do! I'm also really excited for this giveaway and I have a lot more of those coming, but to start it off this is the first step! 

They aren't Alistcases for nothing, they are definitely on my A list! 

Here are some of the cases on their insta! Don't forget to follow them @alistcases and of course go their site, here's the link: Cases !!! (press on the word cases to get there, I hyperlinked it for easier access directly to their site)


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