Lessons Learned
Hello wonderful people! How have we all been?! I hope the answer to that is fabulous because I have some good news for my ladies! Well... and gents you can listen up too if you'd like:
I have decided that my blog shouldn't just be about clothing and who is big in the fashion world. I want to share some advice either from lessons that I have learned about life to even beauty tips/beauty hacks! I like to have interactions with you guys and learn from you as well!
So just as a starter, I'd like to share with you ladies some beauty tips on how long you should be having your makeup! I ended up doing some research on this topic because I had a mascara for a while and it was starting to dry up. (I'm no makeup artist, but a girl got worried!) It felt like I had just bought it so I searched up how long you should have a mascara for and the result of it was 3 months. When I searched that, this picture had come up and it really made me look at my makeup bag and see what was still good and what was not. I didn't have to do that much shopping for new supplies, but I did learn from it!
I hope this helps you guys out and helps you be more organized with your makeup bag. You should treat it the way it treats you because on those bad mornings, these are the supplies that help you out!
If you want to share some good brands to buy makeup from or any beauty tips/ questions I would love to make a post or maybe even a video answering all of your questions! You may all comment below and to do so just click on add comment and where it says "comment as" click the box to the right and go all the way down to where it says anonymous! Lastly click on publish! I hope to get some comments and or feedback on this!
Love you all! Xoxoxo
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