
 An unexpected night out turned into a blog post (and a cute insta pic). 

If you are on your phone looking at these pictures, the pictures may seem like they are squished, but online, on a computer they are not. To see the pictures just click on the actual image and it will show the full, unsquished version! 

So I finally have a hang of my camera again and I've been bringing it with me literally everywhere I go. In my head it's just like, you never know, you know? I've had this camera for a while now maybe like 3/4 years and I used to use it for my blog back then, but once IPhones started to take over my life, I pretty much just threw it to the side. Nevertheless, just like I told you guys that I would be back, the Camera is back too. It just makes everything look so much better. 

I actually threw on this outfit super last minute and I have a thing where I hate showing my arms or just showing too much. "Huh?"... Let me explain: if my legs are out then my arms will be covered. Vis-versa. This is also why I don't really like summer because I just never know what to wear. Shorts and a little top? ugh, boringgggggggg!! Fall is coming and the little chilly nights are my fav. 
Personally this outfit wasn't all that, but I had to document this night, just because I got to meet so many different people, made a few connections, and of course had my friends with me.

We went to Le Souk in NYC, which is like a home to me. Everyone that works there is like family. Every time I go I feel like I meet one extra person. Celebs come out all the time. It's normally a restaurant during the day, but at night it turns into the total opposite. Mondays and Wednesday are probably the 'IT' days for me. I know, I know.. "On a Monday? Really Kalyn?" YES!! On a Monday. It gets super packed actually, the city is just filled with people, what can I say? This Past Monday, Young M.A was there, it was what we call "lit". Great times with great people!

So now onto my outfit:

( I like the edit on this pic, don't you?)

Shoes: Aldo
Jacket: Zara
Purse: Ferragamo
Jewelry: @bylolitajewelry on IG
Top & Bottom: you can go on @thelifeofyoungash 's page on IG to purchase something similar to this set. This set is kinda of old and I can't remember the exact spot to purchase it. BUT, you know I got connects sooooo Ash has a set what I think is even better than the one I have on in a couple different colors. Check her out and let me know what you think! If you purchase from her let me know too. I love to know I can help.

I took about 50 pictures this night, but these are most clear and 'get to the point' pictures I could get a hold of. Quick an easy post which I hope you guys enjoyed. Check out those pages I tagged and comment either on here or on my IG which is @kalynrodriguezz to let me know how you guys like it. 

Enjoy your week and I'll talk to you very soon! I still don't have a pattern on what days I will be posting or a time schedule, but once I get a hang of this again and set up a time to post, you guys will be notified. I promise, pinky swear! 

Thank you soooo much for continuing to tune in and supporting me, you guys seriously are the sh*t! 

xoxo, KayStyles 

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